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At Systematic Solutions, Inc. we work on a wide range of projects related to energy, environment and economic modeling for clients from around the globe. Below provides a sample of our projects using ENERGY 2020.


ENERGY 2020 is one of the contributing models of studies conducted by Stanford University’s Energy Modeling Forum (EMF) . The Forum’s goal is to improve the use of energy and environmental policy models to support corporate and government decisions.  For each study, the Forum organizes a working group to develop the study design, analyze and compare each model’s results and discuss key conclusions.  Stanford University provides a non-partisan platform for objective discussion of energy and environmental issues. EMF participants offer alternative views based upon their varied models and experience.

EMF 34North American Energy Trade and Integration

Study Design

EMF 31: North American Natural Gas Markets in Transition

Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) develops projections of Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions each year using its energy, emissions, and economy model for Canada – the E3MC model. E3MC consists of ENERGY 2020’s energy and supply simulation linked to ECCC’s in-house macroeconomic model. 


At the 21st Conference of Parties meeting in Paris in December 2015, Canada pledged to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 30 percent below the 2005 level by 2030, which means a drop from 730 megatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (Mt CO2 eq) in 2005 to 511 Mt by 2030. At the time of the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21), Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions were projected to grow to 815 Mt by 2030.

Canada Energy Regulator (CER)

Canada’s Energy Future 2020: Energy Supply and Demand Projections to 2040


As Canada’s independent national energy regulator, the Canada Energy Regulator (CER), formerly the National Energy Board (NEB), provides access to Canada energy information as well as analyzes Canadian energy requirements and trends. CER uses ENERGY 2020 as part of its modeling framework in developing its long-term, integrated energy demand and supply forecast which is detailed in its continuing Energy Futures series - Canada’s Energy Future 2021: Energy Supply and Demand Projections to 2040.


Energy Futures 2021 was prepared by Canada Energy Regulator technical staff under the direction of Bryce van Sluys Director, Energy Outlooks

Northwest Power and Conservation Council

2016: Seventh Northwest Conservation and Electric Power Plan 



The Pacific Northwest Power and Conservation Council (NWPCC) uses ENERGY 2020 to produce its energy demand forecast.  The demand forecast is published in NPWCC’s Power Plan which addresses the risks to the region’s electricity future and identifies an electrical resource strategy over the next 20 years. NWPCC recently released its Eighth Northwest Power Plan, again using ENERGY 2020 for its demand forecast.

​"The Climate Change Scoping Plan provides California's blueprint for reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to 1990 levels by 2020 as directed by AB 32, California's Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. In approving the Scoping Plan, the California Air Resources Board (ARB) directed ARB staff to update the analysis of the economic effects of implementing the Plan. That updated economic analysis, documented in this report, profited from consultation with members of the Economic and Allocation Advisory Committee (EAAC), appointed by California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA) Secretary Linda Adams and ARB Chairman Mary Nichols. EAAC consists of top economists, business and financial leaders."

Western Canada’s abundant resources make the region a significant player in North America’s energy landscape and major contributor to the Canadian economy. Western Canada’s energy industry generates direct and indirect jobs, invests in vital infrastructure and contributes to government revenues.

Western Canada’s energy industry is becoming increasingly integrated and so is its workforce. Foundational technology, equipment, skills and expertise are being expanded and applied in innovative ways to develop new low-carbon energy sources and deploy emissions-reduction technologies. Many of the qualifications required by the region’s emerging energy sectors already exist within established energy sectors.

Canada’s energy industry significantly contributes to national and global
markets. It directly employs about 200,000 individuals across the country, and indirectly supports hundreds of thousands more.

The diverse workforce encompasses roles in everything from business and operations support to engineers and field workers, all of whom are instrumental in developing and delivering energy to customers around the world.

Canada’s energy is essential, not only for moving people, goods and services and heating homes, but also for manufacturing everyday products and
powering other Canadian industries.
The global and national energy landscape is evolving, influenced by a variety of factors such as geopolitical shifts, technological advancements and a growing
demand for sustainable practices. This evolution is underscored by industry’s increasing commitment to support a net-zero economy through significant
investments in low-carbon energy sources, the adoption of cutting-edge technologies and the implementation of ambitious emissions-reduction initiatives. These efforts demonstrate industry’s dedication to a sustainable future, balancing economic goals with environmental responsibilities.


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"This report summarizes the results of an economic analysis conducted by the Partner jurisdictions of the Western Climate Initiative (WCI). It updates the results of a 2008 economic analysis that informed the design of the WCI regional cap-and-trade program, which will reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions contributing to climate change, spur development of new clean-energy jobs and technologies, and help achieve a strong economy."

National Round Table on the Environment and Economy: Getting to 2050: Canada’s Transition to a Low-Emission Future


ENERGY 2020 was used by the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE) in its efforts to understand and anticipate the nature and scope of the impacts of climate change. An advisory report was published to address the issue of how to mitigate potential effects of climate change, through deep emission reductions. 


"The Report addresses each of the assignments set forth in Executive Order 191 in ways that will make Wisconsin a leader in addressing the significant challenges presented by climate change, substantially reduce Wisconsin's dependence on fossil fuel and advance the state's energy independence objectives. The Report recommends aggressive short and long-term goals for reductions of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that are consistent with Wisconsin's proportionate share of the reductions needed worldwide to minimize the impacts of global warming." 

"Michigan currently imports 90% of its energy from out of state, at a cost exceeding $18 billion per year (projected to increase as imported energy prices rise). At the same time, these same policymakers and business leaders see an opportunity to leverage our state's entrepreneurial and manufacturing strengths by deliberately focusing them on the energy industry, with the desired outcome of generating not only more energy within Michigan, but generating more jobs for Michigan workers, and aiding Michigan's economy by reducing the amount of energy we must purchase from out of state fossil fuel and electricity supplies."

"As part of the Electric Restructuring Act of 1997, or "the Act", the Legislature created electric ratepayer funded energy efficiency programs. Intended to provide energy efficiency services to all classes of electric utility customers, these programs must meet the standards of the Overall Statewide Energy Efficiency Goal and its supporting objectives provided for within the Act. Additionally, the Act mandates that Division of Energy Resources file annual reports with the Legislature on the results of the energy efficiency programs and whether they are meeting the Statewide Goal."

Illinois Climate Change Advisory Group: Report


"On October 5, 2006, Governor Blagojevich launched his Global Warming Initiative by signing an Executive Order that created the Illinois Climate Change Advisory Group (ICCAG). The Governor changed the ICCAG with recommending state-level strategies to meet his statewide greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction goals, which are similar to goals set by other states and those proposed in Congress:

  • 1990 levels by 2020

  • 60 percent below 1990 levels by 2050

Scientists believe that greenhouse gas reductions of this magnitude are needed to avoid significant consequences due to climate change."

"The purpose of this report is to provide strategy and policy recommendations to Hawaii's 2007 Energy Strategy. This Hawaii Energy Strategy (HES) Program was initiated in 1992 under a Cooperative Agreement with the United States Department of Energy (USDOE). The purpose of this report is to assist State of Hawaii planners and policy makers, members of the Hawaii energy community, and residents to better understand the State's current energy situation, set a vision for their energy future, and outline necessary steps to achieve this vision under different scenarios in the future. This report is intended to support and help ensure achievement of the State Energy Objectives."

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